Sunday, January 17, 2010

Back Pain Ice What's Better For Jaw Pain? An Ice Pack Or A Heating Pad?

What's better for jaw pain? an ice pack or a heating pad? - back pain ice

I think I grit my teeth in my sleep, but whatever the reason, I have a lot of jaw pain when I wake up, and when I was too long. What is better than sleeping with a heating pad or ice pack?


Douglas B said...

But if you do evil you want to heat. It is also an alternative to lose if you want to get rid of them all together. Here is how you can proceed as follows:
Put your finger on the head so that your thumb behind the ears. Put them next to the skull and press forward on the back of the jaw and push a moderate pressure there. After 30 seconds slowly raise your head to the neck extended in its entirety. Then open up your mouth and wait. Release the pressure, but keep the mouth and throat, like the other 30 seconds. The pain is gone.

Douglas B said...

But if you do evil you want to heat. It is also an alternative to lose if you want to get rid of them all together. Here is how you can proceed as follows:
Put your finger on the head so that your thumb behind the ears. Put them next to the skull and press forward on the back of the jaw and push a moderate pressure there. After 30 seconds slowly raise your head to the neck extended in its entirety. Then open up your mouth and wait. Release the pressure, but keep the mouth and throat, like the other 30 seconds. The pain is gone.

CliffBur... said...

because an ice bag or can begin to burn ur house on fire with a heating pad

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